Welcome to Adclear

Adclear provides an API for evaluating marketing content for compliance with various guidelines. This guide will help you get started with using our API to generate compliance evaluations.

To use the Adclear API, you’ll need an API token. Please contact the Adclear team to obtain your token. We are currently working on making this process self-serve.


All API endpoints are authenticated using Bearer tokens. To authenticate your requests, include your API token in the Authorization header:

Authorization: Bearer <YOUR_API_TOKEN>

Making Your First Request

To make your first compliance evaluation request, you’ll use the /v1/evaluate/text endpoint. For detailed information on how to structure your request, including required parameters and example responses, please refer to our API reference:

Evaluate Endpoint

View the full documentation for the /v1/evaluate/text endpoint

If you have any questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.