Your Tasks
Manage and action your rejected campaigns and pending tasks
Task Overview
Here you will find:
- Rejected campaigns that need your attention
- Campaigns requiring updates
- Pending actions from compliance feedback
- Tasks assigned to you by team members
Video Tutorial
Watch our quick guide on managing your tasks:
Managing Rejected Campaigns
When a campaign is rejected:
- You’ll receive a notification
- The campaign will appear in your tasks list
- Review the compliance feedback
- Make necessary adjustments
- Resubmit for approval
Best Practices
- Regular Check-ins: Review your tasks daily
- Priority Management: Handle rejected campaigns promptly
- Feedback Implementation: Carefully review and implement compliance feedback
- Documentation: Keep track of changes made in response to rejections
Quick Actions
From the tasks page, you can:
- View rejection reasons
- Access the campaign directly
- Make necessary edits
- Resubmit for approval
- Communicate with compliance team